Poets Inn is made by travelers for travelers, designed to offer comfort, pleasure and leisure, in the best location in town, where you can glimpse from one of our balconies breathtaking views, while enjoying one of our books in your room...
Nobody but you can tell what a real home must be like, and this will definitely be your home in Porto. We will listen to your advice, and give you twice as much as you want.
Here you can find the latest standards of comfort and quality.
For those who wish to explore the city and its history, Porto's unique architecture, its parks and narrow alleys, or just relax in the many cafes and restaurants nearby, you couldn't be better located.
We are located 30 seconds from the "Torre dos Clérigos", ex-libris of the city, and the Lello Bookstore, considered one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, 2 minutes from the subway, the bus and train station (São Bento), and 2 minutes from the Aliados, our "living room" to welcome all travelers.